Top 10 Most Effective Types Of Hair Oils To Use
How’s your hair? People spend tons each year on products to improve, maintain or even potentially re-grow their hair. Selecting the right hair care products can be confusing, especially because each one can seem like it contains different ingredients with different benefits.
Are the most expensive hair care products always the best? Should you always use the same brand of products, or can you mix and match? Which specific ingredients are safe and effective?
In many cases, the best hair care products aren’t complex or expensive. Essential oils are a simple, natural and affordable way to keep your hair in great condition. Different oils perform different functions, so you can treat specific issues like thinning, dryness, brittleness and more. Plus, essential hair oils are easy to apply and usually very inexpensive.
Looking for the best essential hair oils? We’ve gathered up all the info you need about the 10 most effective hair oils. These 10 oils help nourish and protect your hair, while many also provide specific benefits such as moisturizing, hair growth and more. Here are the 10 best essential hair oils to buy in 2018:
Table of Contents
- 1 Lavender for Hair Growth
- 2 Cedarwood for Thinning Hair
- 3 Lemongrass Oil for Itchy and Irritated Scalps
- 4 Rosemary for Thicker Hair
- 5 Eucalyptus Oil for Dry Scalp
- 6 Peppermint for a Healthy Scalp
- 7 Clary Sage to Regular Oil Production
- 8 Chamomile for Shine and Softness
- 9 Argan Oil for Age Defying Properties
- 10 Coconut Oil
Lavender for Hair Growth
The hair growth industry is big business, but many products which promise to re-grow hair are actually pretty ineffective. But lavender oil’s ability to grow hair is backed by a 2016 study in mice. Not only did the oil cause hair growth but the hair which grew was thick with deep follicles, which is a sign of hair strength.
Plus, lavender oil has other benefits, too. An anti-microbial, lavender oil fights off a variety of bacterial and fungal disorders. When applied to the scalp and hair, lavender oil heals dry skin, which helps reduce and even eliminate dandruff.
Lavender oil has another side benefit. Smelling lavender oil helps reduce stress and promote feelings of calm. Stress is often a contributing factor to hair loss. Reducing that stress with lavender oil can help prevent hair from falling out.
Cedarwood for Thinning Hair
Thinning hair needs different treatments than hair which is completely missing. Regular use of cedarwood oil helps increase circulation to the scalp. When blood is able to flow freely to the scalp, hair follicle production is increased. Hair loss is also slowed and potentially halted.
A recent study in Scotland showed a connection between cedarwood oil and reduced alopecia symptoms. Eighty-six people with alopecia were divided into two treatment groups. The group which massages their scalps with cedarwood oil daily for seven months showed a 44% reduction in alopecia symptoms.
Lemongrass Oil for Itchy and Irritated Scalps
Lemongrass is a natural cleanser and deodorizer which can treat a variety of skin itchiness and irritations. When applied to the scalp, lemongrass oil can treat dandruff, dry skin and other skin-related issues. Studies show that dandruff is often significantly reduced after seven days of topical application and often gone completely after 14.
Lemongrass oil has a few properties you won’t find in other essential oils for hair. Notably, lemongrass is a natural bug repellent. Bring some along with you on camping trips or even just when spending the day outdoors.
You can use lemongrass oil with practically any type of shampoo or conditioner. Simply add between 10 directly into the bottle. You can also massage two to three drops directly into your scalp. Lemongrass is often used to freshen and detoxify spaces – which means your shower and bathroom will smell fresh and clean.
Rosemary for Thicker Hair
Rosemary oil helps add body to thinning hair. It’s also an effective way to grow hair. Research shows that rosemary is about as effective as Minoxidil, which is a popular hair loss treatment.
Aside from growing hair, rosemary oil also protects and nourishes the hair you already have. Regular use increases the cellular metabolism of the follicle, which stimulates hair growth and scalp healing. Plus, regular application of rosemary oil helps reduce dandruff and slow greying.
One of the most popular rosemary oil treatments involves mixing three to five drops of rosemary with the same amount of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it there for about three to four hours. Wash your hair as normal.
Eucalyptus Oil for Dry Scalp
A dry, damaged scalp isn’t just uncomfortable. It can also lead to hair loss and dandruff. Eucalyptus oil is often an effective solution to reducing dandruff and hair loss. Regular application helps increase the circulation to the scalp, which promote the growth of strong hair follicles. Increased hair shine is another benefit of regular use.
You can rub a solution of eucalyptus oil into your scalp and let it sit for about half an hour before washing your hair as normal. Another option is to add just a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner each day for on-going benefits.
Peppermint for a Healthy Scalp
A healthy scalp produces thicker, shinier and healthier hair. Regular application of peppermint oil stimulates the scalp to increase blood flood, which treats dandruff, itchiness, dry patches and more. Peppermint is also an effective and all-natural treatment for lice.
Recent research also suggests peppermint oil can help promote hair growth. Animals in the study were given topical peppermint oil for four weeks. New hair grew in faster and thicker than in subjects not given the oil.
Peppermint oil has a pleasant, cooling tingle when applied to the skin. Helps reduce swelling and inflammation. Additionally, peppermint oil has aromatherapy benefits. Regular exposure to the smell can help relieve tension and promote mental clarity.
Like Lemongrass Oil, Peppermint Oil can be added directly to your shampoo or conditioner. Simply add two to three drops into the bottle. Aside from the skin benefits, the fresh peppermint scent helps give you an invigorating energy boost to start off your day.
Clary Sage to Regular Oil Production
If your hair is too oily, consider adding clary sage oil to your hair care regiment. An ingredient in the oil called linalyl acetate helps regulate oil production. Also effective at treating rashes and skin infections.
Clary sage oil is also used to help balance hormones and reduce stress levels. Quite a few causes of hair loss are related to stress including alopecia and hair pulling. Reducing stress can result in thicker, fuller hair.
Aside from applying essential oils to your scalp, you can also apply a few drops of the oil to your wrists, feet and temples. These are key spots when using essential oil for stress relief.
Chamomile for Shine and Softness
Chamomile is great for more than just tea. Use this essential oil to add softness to dry, brittle hair. Also adds moisture and nutrients to give hair a radiant shine.
Regular use of chamomile oil also lightens hair’s color. A popular recipe calls for five drops of chamomile oil, a tablespoon of sea salt, one-third of a cup of baking soda and warm water. This paste is applied to your hair for about a half-hour. You can also sit in the sun to turn your hair even lighter colors.
This all-natural lightener contains none of the harsh chemicals found in over-the-counter hair dying products. Chamomile oil is a safer alternative than products which contain formaldehyde and bleach.
Argan Oil for Age Defying Properties
Like all other body parts, our hair ages with time. Generally, hair will gradually dull and thin, in both men and women. Regular use of Argan Oil helps reverse these signs of aging. Argan Oil has been popular in Morocco for thousands of years but has only recently started to gain traction in the U.S.
Argan Oil is loaded with naturally occurring antioxidants and fatty acids. Increases the shine and fullness of hair. Plus, Argan Oil also helps increase the strength and appearance of skin and nails.
Coconut Oil
Hair products can build up over time. Residue from shampoo and conditioners can stick to your hair and clog follicles, resulting in pimples, skin irritations and other issues. Even rinsing thoroughly with water in the shower isn’t usually enough to completely remove this build-up.
Coconut Oil has unique properties which stick to the residue and pull it free from the follicle. Massaging a coconut oil extract through your head helps remove a variety of build-up and grime. Also helps deliver important nutrients to your scalp surface.
There’s no need to use harsh chemicals and expensive products in order to have a shiny, healthy head of hair. Hair oils are all-natural, inexpensive and easy to use. Plus, you can find oils which target specific conditions.
Hair oils treat thinning hair, dry hair, oily hair and more. Several oils have also been shown to even regrow hair. So before you reach for that expensive shampoo or hair care product which is loaded with chemicals, give all-natural hair oils a try – they’re often the easiest and most effective solution to your hair care needs.